The Power of Kindness

We don’t have millions in the bank but I wouldn’t trade my life for any millionaire or billionaire in the world.

Team syn•HER•gy, my latest collaboration, got together to create a magical inside out makeover for a young lady who lost her house in a fire, and a month later lost her guardian, her grandma.

She’s 21 and raising her three siblings alone.

I reached out to a few friends and they are stepping up to help in a major way to make this transformation truly life changing.

My dear friend, is offering counseling services and helping connect her with other agencies and people that can help

One of my best friends, Joelle Speed, D.D.S., a pediatric dentist, is gifting the siblings dental care AND her office, the Smile Gallery in Roseville, is going to ‘adopt’ the family at Christmas and shower them with gifts and love!!!

Build RELATIONSHIPS and your world will explode in unimaginable and magical ways.


Watch Monica’s entire transformation episode on Fox40 HERE

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