A gratitude problem.
When you can see that someone has it worse than you, you start looking for things to be grateful for.
It becomes your ‘default setting’.
Living with a grateful heart doesn’t mean you won’t feel grief, sadness or pain, BUT you cycle through those emotions a little quicker.
You don’t stay stuck.
This TRULY ‘clicked’ for me when my best friend was diagnosed with ovarian cancer.
All of the things I’d complain about evaporated, I became grateful for things I’d taken for granted.
A pain free night of sleep? What a GIFT! Tracy couldn’t sleep through the night.
An argument with my husband? How lucky was I to have a husband to argue with. Tracy was a single mom with a toddler, going through chemo alone. She’d have given ANYTHING to have a spouse to help her, even one that irritated her once in awhile.
My bad hair days? No more of those. I saw ANY hair I had as a blessing.
Try it.
Look for ALL the blessings in your life.
They are there.
You can breathe, walk, talk, smile, call a friend, hug your spouse and kids…others can’t.
There’s someone out there who’d trade places with you in a heartbeat.